
Major Ramaswamy Parameswaran, a name etched in the annals of Indian military history, represents the epitome of courage and indomitable spirit. His extraordinary heroism during the Indian Peace Keeping Force (IPKF) operations in Sri Lanka earned him the Param Vir Chakra, India’s highest military honour, posthumously. His story is not just about gallantry in the face of danger, but also about inspirational leadership and unwavering dedication to duty.

Born in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Parameswaran joined the Indian Army with a fervent desire to serve his country. His journey in the army was marked by dedication and professionalism. The moment that defined his career, however, came in November 1987, during India’s peacekeeping mission in Sri Lanka.

On the fateful night of November 25, 1987, Major Parameswaran was leading a patrol in Sri Lanka’s northern region. The operation was routine until his unit was ambushed by a group of militants. In the ensuing chaos, it would have been easy for any leader to lose composure, but Major Parameswaran showcased exceptional leadership.

Despite being caught by surprise and under heavy enemy fire, he quickly assessed the situation and counterattacked. He manoeuvred his troops effectively, encircling the enemy from the rear. In a daring move, he engaged the militants in close combat. During the fight, Major Parameswaran was grievously injured, yet his spirit remained unshaken.

Even after being shot in the chest, he snatched a rifle from one of the militants and killed him. Critically wounded, he continued to command his troops, encouraging them to fight on. His actions not only disrupted the enemy ambush but also ensured heavy casualties on the militant side. Major Parameswaran’s leadership and valour turned what could have been a disastrous ambush into a tactical victory.

Major Ramaswamy Parameswaran’s heroism and supreme sacrifice exemplify the highest traditions of the Indian Army. His courage in the face of certain death, his ability to think clearly under pressure, and his unyielding commitment to his mission and his men, make his story one of extraordinary bravery.

Today, Major Parameswaran’s legacy continues to inspire soldiers and civilians alike. His life and heroic death serve as a powerful reminder of the bravery and sacrifices made by the armed forces in the line of duty. His story is a testament to the fact that true leadership and courage can turn the tide of battle and create legends that live on forever.

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